When it comes to saving money on college textbooks, renting them can be a great option. And if you attend the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), you can rent textbooks from the CCAC Bookstore.
But before you rent a textbook, it’s important to understand the CCAC Bookstore rental agreement. Here’s a breakdown of the agreement and what you should know before renting:
1. Rental period: The rental period is for one semester, and the due date is printed on your receipt. It’s important to return your rented textbooks on time to avoid any late fees.
2. Condition: You’re responsible for returning the textbook in the same condition it was in when you rented it. This means no excessive highlighting, writing, or damage.
3. Replacement cost: If you lose or damage the rented textbook, you’ll be responsible for paying the replacement cost. The replacement cost is the cost of a new textbook, so it can be quite expensive.
4. Rental fee: The rental fee is typically lower than the cost of purchasing the textbook outright, but it’s important to remember that you don’t own the textbook. You’re simply renting it for a set period of time.
5. Return policy: To return your rented textbook, simply bring it back to the CCAC Bookstore before the due date. You’ll need to show your receipt or your student ID to verify the rental.
6. Late fees: If you don’t return your rented textbook by the due date, you’ll incur late fees. The late fee is typically a percentage of the rental fee, and it can add up quickly if you don’t return the textbook promptly.
Overall, renting textbooks from the CCAC Bookstore can be a great way to save money on your college education. Just make sure to read and understand the rental agreement before you sign on the dotted line. And remember to return your rented textbooks on time to avoid any additional fees.